This book brings together original, small-scale, ethnographic research on communities contesting heritage, livelihood, language and citizenship in Thailand. The book offers conceptually nuanced and empirically grounded explorations of the inter-relationship between culture and rights in Thailand. Cross-disciplinary and thematically varied studies together raise questions about the possibilities of rights-informed approaches to issues such as cultural heritage management, language policy, citizenship and belonging for minorities and access to rights and resources necessary to group survival and well-being in different settings. For purchasing information, please visit:
Suthipong film SEPARATE from community participation
This interview, held in May 2012 with Mr. Suthipong Laithip, an activist working in the Andaman area, is about the problems encountered by the Chao Lay people entangled in conflicts revolving around issues of land rights with local investors and government agencies intending to favor tourism businesses in the region. While recounting the historical and judicial context of these conflicts, it also describes how the reinforcement of twisted development policies represents a threat to the traditional practices and forms of cultural knowledge of the Chao Lay people.
Grabbing the Blue Tiger : The Past and Future of Northern Khmer Musical Arts
This film documents traditional kandrim, an art form among Khmer speakers in northeastern Thailand. Kandrim is a vital component of Northern Khmer heritage. By focusing on kandrim, the film reveals a high degree of ambivalence about the connection between literacy and heritage among Northern Khmer speakers.
Community Participation in Safeguarding Intangible Heritage at the Phnom Rung Historical Park
This film is about the meaning of Phnom Rung to the communities in its vicinity, and how the temple’s designation as national heritage has affected their relationship to the site. In addition, it explores how communities might play a bigger role in the interpretation and management of their heritage.